How to locate your Meizu M5 Note

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How to locate your Meizu M5 Note?

For some unknown reason, it is possible that you have lost or someone malicious has stolen your smartphone on the street.

Unfortunately this happens very frequently but today it is possible to locate your Meizu M5 Note in the event of loss or theft. Through this article, we will explain the different ways to locate your Smartphone.

Firstly, you can locate your Meizu M5 Note using the Android device manager, secondly through Google Maps and finally, through the use of third-party applications.

Use the Android device manager to locate your Meizu M5 Note

Activate Android device manager

Android Device Manager is a feature of your Meizu M5 Note that is common to all Android devices, so you don't need to install any app. In order to prevent a possible loss or theft of your phone, you must carry out some manipulations to activate this system.

First, your Meizu M5 Note must be logged in to your Google account and must have internet access. Second, you need to activate the “Android Device Manager”. To do this, click on the “Settings” menu of your Meizu M5 Note, then go to the “Personal” section where you will press “Google”. After entering the Google settings, go to “Android Device Manager” and finally click on “Locate this device” where you will have the option to activate or not the remote lock and deletion of data.

Here is ! You have turned on location tracking to find your phone if it is lost or stolen.

Locate your Meizu M5 Note on Google using the Android device manager

After performing all the operations described above, you can now locate your Meizu M5 Note by going to the Internet. First, type "where is my phone" into the search bar of the Google search engine.

Following this, a map will appear before your eyes, where Google will try to locate your Meizu M5 Note where it is.

You will then have several possibilities: ring your phone, lock it if you have not protected it before or you can simply delete all the information contained on your Meizu M5 Note if you are sure you will never find it.

Locate your Meizu M5 Note from another device via Android device manager

If you don't have a computer, ask a friend to use their smartphone for a few minutes.

Don't worry, the method is simple.

See if your friend has “Android Device Manager” on their device, like on your Meizu M5 Note.

If your friend doesn't have it, type the name in the Google Play Store and you will find the app. Then, you can identify yourself using the “Guest” mode offered by the application and you will enter your Google identifiers on your Meizu M5 Note.

Do not forget, in the event of loss or theft, go to your operator so that they can block your line and your Meizu M5 Note then go to the competent authorities.

Locate your Meizu M5 Note via Google Maps

The location of your device using Google Maps exists because your Meizu M5 Note automatically saves the approximate location where it is located.

Before embarking on the locating your Meizu M5 Note via Google Maps, there are some requirements to be observed.

First of all, the device must be signed in to your Google account and it must have internet access. Finally, the reporting and location history functions, which are in the Google application settings on your Meizu M5 Note, must be enabled.

Start by going to the Google Maps site and going to the location history. Then click on today's date and click on "Show timestamps" located below the calendar.

From now on, you can see the places where your Meizu M5 Note has been registered, in particular by clicking on the last parking meters where you will find the last location where your device was located. Following this, we recommend that you contact the competent authorities to take care of this problem on your Meizu M5 Note.

Use third-party applications to locate your Meizu M5 Note

There is a wide choice of applications dedicated to locating lost devices, including your Meizu M5 Note.

To find all these applications, you just have to type "anti-theft" in the search bar of Google Play Store.

The most famous applications are “Where's my Droid” and “Cerberus anti-theft” which offer excellent localization of your Meizu M5 Note, but which turn out to offer only a short free trial period or paid options to improve the performance of your device. the application. These applications are only indicative. We recommend that you carefully read the application descriptions to see if the applications are free or paid, but also to read user reviews which are of great help regarding the choice of an anti-theft application on your Meizu M5 Note.

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