How to deactivate the internet on Orange

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Guide to stop having internet and data on Orange

Turning off the airwaves, or in particular deactivating the internet and data, allows you not to be bothered by your social networks, in particular when traveling by plane, or with family, for example.

You will see that it is quite easy to do when you know how to do it.

You will see through this technical sheet how optimally remove internet on Orange. First, you will see what you need to know to do it through the menu " Settings " from your phone.

In a second part, we will see together the magic of the applications allowing you to deactivate Internet access on Orange.

However, if you don't want to waste time, you can now use a specialized app on the 'Play Store' to suspend data.

Remove internet access on Orange using the "Parameters" and / or "Airplane" files

The "Settings" menu is undeniably the best way to suspend data on Orange. This tab can be accessed on the main screen. A small crenellated pulley traditionally symbolizes the miniature of this option. Then you must go inside the 'More options' sub-tab which will allow you to deactivate your network access on your Orange.

In doing so, the 'Airplane mode' and 'Data disabled' can be visible there.

Checking one of these options is required if you want to activate offline mode and thus deactivate data on your Orange.

Via the graphical interface at the top of your Orange

You will see that an even faster way, to configure internet via Orange, is to use the drop-down menu located on the upper part of your smartphone screen.

From the home menu of your unlocked phone, you can slide your index finger from the upper part of your Orange, going to the lower part of the home page. You should then see a new form appear, by clicking on the thumbnail made up of lots of square shapes, at the top right of the screen, now in black.

You will then be able to choose the choices 'Airplane', 'Mobile data' and 'Wifi', which you will find among the choices visible on this menu. It stays what is best to remove data from your Orange.

Remove internet with a third-party app on Orange

Another way to remove the Internet on your Orange is to use an app from your 'App Store'. Many experts exclusively use this option because it is so reliable and fast.

This tool is usually accessible from the home menu on your device. As soon as you are inside the app store you can then search 'Internet cut' so that you can see a wide selection of software packages that you may find useful for disabling data.

We can't repeat enough to see user reviews: they are recorded through the app's download page. This is how you will be able to form a good image of the handling of these programs.

We will not describe in this article how you can use each of the software packages to deactivate the Internet or put airplane mode on your Orange.

Finally, on pausing the internet on Orange: you have just seen three methods, which we think can help you.

It is best to remain vigilant when airplane mode is required depending on your environment, a good example being the airplane! In this type of situation, it is best to sound out a knowledgeable person.

Third parties will be able to help you refine with you the methods to remove the Internet from your Orange.

Find all our articles on Orange to help you.